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Armenian traditional drinks

Traditional drinks in Armenia
The culture of consumption of traditional drinks is highly appreciated in Armenia. Among the Armenian soft drinks, the most popular are local Jermuk mineral waters as well as matsun. The most popular national alcohol drink is cognac made from selected grape species, grown in the Ararat Valley. Additionally, the traditional alcohol drinks are represented by mulberry vodka “Artsakh” and Armenian wine.

Speaking of Armenia, one could not mention the famous Armenian cognac.  Armenia grows a lot of grape varieties, especially for cognac production. The Armenian cognacs are classified into ordinary, vintage and collection ones, depending on the method and period of cognac aging.  The climatic conditions are favorable for wine production in Armenia. The Armenian grapes contain the high level of sugar which makes the wine stronger and keep the alcoholic concentration in high level. 

Jermuk mineral water is another native Armenian drink. This natural gas water is taken from mountainous sources of Jermuk province. Jermuk waters have a healing quality: they are recommended for people, who suffer from gastritis, diabetes, diseases of the nervous system and even depression. 

Matsun is a traditional fermented milk product in Armenian, produced mainly from sheep and cow milk. It is beneficial for health and satisfies thirst as well. Another sort of this drink, kamats-matsun is the same matsun but aged for about a week.

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